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Updated: Oct 17, 2021

People have a hard time believing what they read because it may not be happening directly around them. Grasping the fact that major fires are destroying the west or that giant icebergs are melting in the Arctic is not easy. This makes it even more important for news sources to report on these stories because of the dire state our planet is in. For these reasons, I have decided to cover issues concerning our environment for my beat blogs. This topic is often talked about in the news today because of the constant disasters that are occurring due to human activity. It is important to report on these issues because steps need to be taken to protect our future world.

Environmental issues are very widespread and involve wildlife, weather patterns, oceans, and energy. Movements and groups have been formed to take action against the human activities that directly affect our planet. Reporting about these organizations and the issues that they are trying to solve could spread awareness to those unaware of certain environmental problems.

Photo: Wix

It is important to me that environmental issues are talked about because that is the only way for change. Word of mouth is one of the most important forms of media that can quickly spread information. Getting people to be aware of problems, that could be right in their backyard, will lead to more conversations about possible solutions.

Growing up on a small farm has made me appreciate everything that our Earth can do for us and protecting it is a priority of mine. I want our future children to be able to grow up with the same wildlife and climate that previous generations have been so lucky to have. There is a popular saying, "There is no planet B", that cannot more accurately describe the situation that we find ourselves facing. I look forward to reporting on this issue and hope it can benefit and influence any readers.

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